This is a Calendar for use in setting and reviewing. schedule dates. To move to the next Month ,press Page-Down. To move to the previous Month, press Page-Up. To move to the next Year, press Ctrl-Page-Down. To move to the previous Year, press Ctrl-Page-Up. If the date field that was highlighted was blank when the calendar was called the the calendar will be set to todays' date. Otherwise, the calendar will be set to the date from the selected field. To move to the original date, press Ctrl-Home. To accept the highlighted date from the calendar, press Enter. To return back with the original date, press Esc. This is a Calendar for use in setting and reviewing non working dates. Weekends are considered non working days already, and don't need to be marked. To move to the next Month ,press Page-Down. To move to the previous Month, press Page-Up. To move to the next Year, press Ctrl-Page-Down. To move to the previous Year, press Ctrl-Page-Up. Dates which have been designated as non working days will have an entry in the date's box. To change an entry, press Enter. To delete an entry, press Delete while the date is highlighted. To exit the calendar screen, press Esc. CCALEND TUPD_TASK DATE FORMATS All dates are entered in the format of MM/DD/YY. The computer automatically places the '/' where required. Pressing the F3 key will bring up a calendar with the selected date highlighted, or todays' date if the field is blank. The date from the calendar can be entered into this field by pressing the Enter key while the desired date is highlighted on the calendar Pressing the F4 key will automatically calculate the duration using the start and end dates, skipping weekends and days flagged in the calendar. Pressing the F5 key will automatically calculate the end date using the start date and duration, skipping weekends and days flagged in the calendar more help on: CALENDAR TASK_FORM TTASKNUM RRESP PPL_EN_DT SSTATUS DELETE MULTIPLE TASKS You can delete tasks with the following selection criteria: a Range of Task numbers a Specific Resource a Range of Planned End Dates a Specific Status Once you have selected the tasks to be deleted, you will have one LAST CHANCE to cancel, before the tasks are PERMANENTLY deleted. More help on: Task Number Resource Planned End Date Status TUPD_TASK DESCRIPTION The description for the task can be up to 30 characters. If more description is required, used the extended description field. more help on: TASK_FORM DAYS PER INCREMENT Enter the number of days for each increment on the Gantt bar. The program will print as many pages as necessary to print the Gantt bar. Enter 0 if you want the program to fit the Gantt bar on one page. TUPD_TASK DURATION The duration of the task is a numeric field up to 4 digits in length. The units of duration are whatever the user chooses them to mean, unless the field is calculated automatically using the F4 key. Pressing the F4 key will automatically calculate the number of working days between the start and end dates. Pressing the F5 key will calculate the end date using the start date and duration, ignoring weekends and dates flagged in the calendar. more help on: TASK_FORM TUPD_TASK EXTENDED DESCRIPTION The extended description can be up to 4 rows of 60 characters each. The program automatically word wraps at the end of the line. more help on: TASK_FORM FILES USED BY THE PROGRAM The program uses or creates the following files: TASKMAN.EXE Main executable program TASKMAN.HLP Help file Tasks data file Tasks sort key (task number) Tasks sort key (resource) Tasks sort key (planned end date) Tasks extended descriptions RESOURCE.DAT Resource data file RESOURCE.K01 Resource sort key STATUS.DAT Status data file STATUS.K01 Status sort key PRNTR.DAT Printers data file PRNTR.K01 Printers sort key All of the files except for TASKMAN.EXE and TASKMAN.HLP are created in the current directory, when TASKMAN is started. You must be in the directory that you have existing tasks in, in order to access them. DDEL_TASK FILE UTILITIES Delete Multiple Tasks - Delete multiple tasks based on selection criteria. Return - To Exit to main menu More help on: Deleting GANTT TASK LISTING From here you can Add, Change, or Delete a task. To shift the Gantt bar left or right use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys. To switch between the Planned bar or the Revised bar press the F2 key. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select a Task to Change, or Delete. To Add a task press the Insert key. To Change a task press the Enter key while the task is highlighted. To Delete a task press the Delete key while the task is highlighted. HIGHLIGHT TODAY You have the option of identifying todays date with a vertical line. Select Yes if you want todays date highlighted. Select No if you do not want todays date highlighted. PRINTER LIST From here you can Add, Change, or Delete a printer. Use the arrow keys to select a printer to Change or Delete To Add a printer press the Insert key. To Change a printer press the Enter key while the printer is highlighted. To Delete a printer press the Delete key while the printer is highlighted. If this screen was called from the Print Options Screen, pressing F2 will allow changing the printer options. RESOURCE LIST From here you can Add, Change, or Delete a resource. Use the arrow keys to select a resource to Change or Delete To Add a resource press the Insert key. To Change a resource press the Enter key while the resource is highlighted. To Delete a resource press the Delete key while the resource is highlighted. STATUS CODES LIST From here you can Add, Change, or Delete a status. Use the arrow keys to select a status to Change or Delete. To Add a status press the Insert key. To Change a status press the Enter key while the status is highlighted. To Delete a status press the Delete key while the status highlighted. TASK LIST From here you can Add, Change, or Delete a task. Use the arrow keys to select a task to Change or Delete. Use the Page-Up and Page-Down keys to move a screen at a time. To Add a task press the Insert key. To Change a task press the Enter key while the task is highlighted. To Delete a task press the Delete key while the task is highlighted. TTASKNUM RRESP SSTATUS PPRN_OPT FFILES UFIL_UTIL PPRNTRS PPROJECTS TASKMAN version 4.0 This is the main menu for TASKMAN. Use the arrow keys to highlight the option you wish to execute. Maintain Tasks - To Add/Change/Delete Tasks Gantt List - Gantt List view to Add/Change/Delete Tasks Print Tasks - To Print the Tasks with sort/select options Maintain Resources - To Add/Change/Delete Resources Maintain Status - To Add/Change/Delete Status Select Project - Select Project file to work with File Utilities - To delete Tasks from current project file Printer Set-up - To Add/Change/Delete Printers & set up codes. Return - To Exit TASKMAN More help on: Tasks Resources Status Printing Files Utilities Printers Projects GANTT BAR There are three Gantt bars that can be selected from for printing in the Gantt report. To pick a bar, enter an X in the box, otherwise press the SPACEBAR or Enter to not select the bar. DATE All dates are entered in the format of MM/DD/YY. The computer automatically places the '/' where required. The date entered in the starting date is the starting point in a range of Planned completion dates that will be selected to print. If no ending date is provided, all tasks beyond the starting date will be selected. The date entered in the ending date is the ending point in a range of Planned completion dates that will be selected to print. If no starting date is provided, all tasks up to the ending date will be selected. RESOURCE The resource is the owner of the task. The maximum field size is 20 characters. If a resource is entered in the resource field, only tasks with this resource will be selected. STATUS The status is a user definable field with a maximum field size of 10 characters. If a status code is entered in the status field, only tasks with the status code will be selected. TASK NUMBER The task number is the primary identifier for the task, any alpha-numeric field up to 8 characters can be used. The task number entered in the starting task number field will be used as the starting point of a range of tasks. If no ending task number is provided, then all tasks from the starting task to the last task will be selected. The task number in the ending task number field will be used as the ending point for a range of tasks. If no starting task number is provided, then all tasks up to the ending task number will be selected. ORIENTATION Select either PORTrait or LANDscape orientation for the printout. Portrait will print based on a 89 line page at 8 lines per inch. Landscape will print based on a 66 line page at 8 lines per inch. DATES PLANNED END DATE The planned end date is the field used in reporting tasks by date. PRINTER SET UP Printers can be set up by the user. Printers can be added/changed/deleted. The printer set up also prompts for the escape codes to be used to set the printer in compressed and standard fonts. The symbols to be used for printing GANTT charts are user definable also. PRINTER CONFIGURATION Through this screen you can modify any of the fields displayed on the form. You simply move from one field to the next, modifying the data as required. Once you're satisfied press Ctrl-Enter to accept the changes. If you want to reject the changes made, press Ctrl-Esc. To back up to a previous field use the Esc key. TOPT_TASK ROPT_RESP POPT_DATE SOPT_STAT GRPT_TYPE BOPTBAR PRINT OPTIONS You have the option of either printing the tasks in text format, or in GANTT format. If a GANTT chart has been selected, select the bars to print. The program prompts for the printer to be used for printing. The available sort options are: by Task Number !by Resource !by Planned End Date If you select Resource for the sort field, you also have the option of printing each resource's tasks on a new page. Once the sort option has been selected, you can then select: a Range of Task numbers a Specific Resource a Range of Planned End Dates a Specific Status More help on: Task Number Resource Planned End Date Status Gantt Bars PROJECTS Tasks are grouped into data files that are accessed as PROJECTS. By selecting a Project file you can change from one list of tasks to another. BREAK ON RESOURCE If you select 'Yes' for break on resouce, the report will form feed to a new page whenever then resource changes. This option only exists when the Resource sort print option has been selected. COMPRESSED FONT The ANSI escape codes used to put the printer into compressed font. The code should include the escape sequence used to set the printer to 8 LPI (lines per inch) All characters must be entered by using either printable characters or by using the ALT key and the 3 digit code. To enter the ESC code (ASCII 27) into the control code you would type ALT(hold down)027. Example: The code for IBM emulation is 015 (for condensed) and 027 048 for 8 LPI. The code would look like: 0 when entered together. PRINTER NAME The printer name can be up to 20 characters. STANDARD FONT The ANSI escape codes used to put the printer into standard font 10 CPI and 6 lines per inch. The code should also include the escape codes to set the printer to 6 lines per inch. All characters must be entered by using either printable characters or by using the ALT key and the 3 digit code. To enter the ESC code (ASCII 27) into the control code you would type ALT(hold down)027. Example: The code for IBM emulation is 018 (10 CPI) and 027 050 (6 LPI). The code would look like: 2 when entered together. GANTT SYMBOLS Enter the symbol to be used for the GANTT line. The character can be entered from the standard keyboard or by using the ALT key and ASCII decimal code. Example: To enter the character which is ASCII 240 you would enter ALT(hold down)240. Here are some symbols and corresponding codes: 174 175 176 177 178 179 186 205 219 220 221 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 240 248 249 250 251 254 REASON The reason code is a 1 character code to identify the reason the date is a non working day. 'V' could be used to denote a vacation day. 'H' could be used to denote a holiday. TUPD_TASK RESOURCE The resource is the owner of the task. The maximum field size is 25 characters. Resources are maintained in a separate file. If a resource is entered which is not in the resource file yet, the program will automatically open the resource listing screen. You can pick from one of the existing resources or follow the instructions to add a new resource. more help on: TASK_FORM REPORT TYPE There are two options for the type of report to print: Normal prints all of the fields for the selected tasks. Gantt prints a GANTT chart for the selected tasks. The GANTT chart is scaled to fit on one page. A Gantt line is printed for the PLANNED DATES and the ACTUAL DATES. Sort Option The available sort options are: by Task Number !by Resource !by Planned End Date If you select Resource for the sort field, you also have the option of printing each resource's tasks on a new page. TUPD_TASK STATUS The status is a user definable field with a maximum field size of 10 characters. Status codes are maintained in a separate file. If a status is entered which is not in the status file yet, the program will automatically open the status listing screen. You can pick an existing status or follow the instructions to add a new status. more help on: TASK_FORM TTASKNUM TUPD_TASK SUB TASK The sub task number is the secondary identifier for the the task, any alpa-numeric field up to 8 characters can be used for this field. The sub task number along with the task number represent a unique key for the task number. Only one task-subtask identifier can exist for a task. The system will notify you if you have created a duplicate key. more help on: TASKNUMBER TASK_FORM SUPPRESS REPEATING TASK NUMBER Selecting YES will suppress the printing of the task number when it is duplicated for different sub tasks. TUPD_TASK TASK NUMBER The task number is the primary identifier for the task, any alpha-numeric field up to 20 characters can be used. The task number along with the sub task number represent a unique key for the task number. Only one task-subtask identifier can exist for a task. The system will notify you if you have created a duplicate key. more help on: TASK_FORM TITLE Whatever is entered in this field will be printed as the title for the report. RESOURCE MAINTENANCE Through this screen you can modify any of the fields displayed on the form. You simply move from one field to the next, modifying the data as required. Once you're satisfied press Ctrl-Enter to accept the changes. If you want to reject the changes made, press Ctrl-Esc. To back up to a previous field use the Esc key. STATUS MAINTENANCE Through this screen you can modify any of the fields displayed on the form. You simply move from one field to the next, modifying the data as required. Once you're satisfied press Ctrl-Enter to accept the changes. If you want to reject the changes made, press Ctrl-Esc. To back up to a previous field use the Esc key. TASK MAINTENANCE Through this screen you can modify any of the fields displayed on the form. You simply move from one field to the next, modifying the data as required. Once you're satisfied press Ctrl-Enter to accept the changes. If you want to reject the changes made, press Ctrl-Esc. To back up to a previous field use the Esc key. To move to the next task, press Page-Down. To move to the previous task, press Page-Up. CALEND CALENDARj DATES DEL_TASK DESCR DPI ? DURATION EXTDESCRr FILES FIL_UTIL GNT_LIST HLT LST_PTR LST_RESR LST_STAT LST_TASK MAIN OPTBAR OPT_DATE OPT_RESP OPT_STAT OPT_TASK ORIENT PL_EN_DT PRNTRS PRNT_CFGE7 PRN_OPT 49 PROJECTS PRT_BRK P_COM_CDJ? P_NAME 6B P_STD_CD P_SYM REASON aH RESP RPT_TYPE SORT_OPTvM STATUS SUBTASK SUP_TASK TASKNUM TITLE UPD_RESR UPD_STAT UPD_TASK